Javier Torres Maldonado: Fénix by Ensemble Phoenix Basel Javier Torres MaldonadoFénix, (naturaleza visible) Javier Torres MaldonadoEstudios concretos...
Year: 2024
Javier Torres Maldonado (*1968) is one of the most representative Mexican composers. Throughout his career, he has...
Goffredo Petrassi “Sestina D’autunno – Veni Creator Igor” (1982) Peter Eötvös “Reading Malevich” (2018) Fausto Romitelli“Dead City...
The Roots: the necessary starting point to analyze Maurice Ohana’s music is all encapsulated in this term....
Sigur Ros “Untitled #1” Francesco Filidei “Ballata” Antonio Vivaldi“Inverno” da “Le quattro Stagioni” Salvatore Sciarrino “Un’immagine di...
Today’s chat dives into Maurizio Azzan’s guitar music, an up-and-coming figure among young composers in the avant-garde...
Fausto Romitelli“Blood on the Floor, Painting 1986” (2000) Gérard Grisey“Les Espaces Acoustiques” (1985) Franco Donatoni“About” (1979) Clara...
Marina Poleukhina“a dry rotating plant on a balcony” Vladimir Gorlinsky Laughing Gas Fausto RomitelliProfessor Bad Trip Luigi...
Alberto Carretero (*1985) is a versatile Sevillian composer with a keen interest in various aspects of contemporary...
The artistic collaboration between Maurice Ohana and Abel Carlevaro is one of the least known of the...